370, Bridge Inn Road, Mernda, 3754
Mernda Hills

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Before/After hours & Study Centre

Out of hours

We're here for you

Mernda Hills Christian College offers before and after-hours care for those parents who need more flexible hours picking up or dropping off children. The school also provides a study centre program that allows Secondary students to have a place where they can study in a quiet environment with access to study resources.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Outside School Hours Care programs run throughout the school term. OSHC is a form of childcare for children available to all parents of primary school-aged children. Parents who may be studying, working or looking for work, or need respite care are eligible to use the program. Casual or permanent bookings are available.

Mernda Hills Christian College provides Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) in the Acacia Room, 1st Room on your left of the Junior School building.

OSHC Service

2025 Fees

Before School Care


$23.00 per session


$25.00 per session

Short Term (8am-8:30am)

$10.00 per session (no breakfast)

After School Care

After School Care - Permanent

$27.00 per session (with snack)

After School Care - Casual

$29.00 per session (with snack)

Late pick up fee

$13.00 per child for the first 5 minutes and $1.00 per minute thereafter

Cancellation fees

No charge (with 48 hours notice)

50% of full fee (less than 48 hours notice)

Hours are 7am-8.30am and 3.30pm-6pm each day of the school term.

Limited Holiday Care sessions are available from 8am-6pm - $85 per day

The OSHC Coordinator can be contacted by emailing oshc@merndahills.vic.edu.au or calling 9717 7320.

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Secondary Study Centre

The College also operates a study centre which is located in the College Library.

From Monday to Thursday starting at 3:30 pm and finishing at 4:30 pm this program allows Secondary students to have a place where they can study in a quiet environment with access to study resources.

Some parents who are unable to collect their son or daughter before the supervision duty is finished have them in the study centre. Students are expected to use this time for study or homework, not for socialising.

Secondary teachers also run subject-specific clubs during study centre to assist students in their subject area, days vary for these clubs.